Berlin este unul dintre cele mai importante orase culturale Europene. Camera Work este o galerie celebra, pe care o vizitez intotdeauna cand ajung in capitala Germaniei. Expozitia actuala il prezinta pe fotograful Blaise Reutersward, cu denumirea: „Aktstudien und Deutsche Landschaften”.







Imaginile sunt in format mare si prezentate elegant, in sistemul patentat de Studioul Grieger din Dusseldorf, numit Diasec.




15.000 Euro costa un exponat, printurile sunt limitate la 5, iar cateva dintre fotografii au fost deja vandute.

Ca asa e in Berlin: oamenii inteleg arta si costurile aferente achizitionarii unui obiect aparte.


„Aktstudien und Deutsche Landschaften” features selected photographs of German landscapes and nude portraits. While the nudes have been an ongoing focus for the past decade, Reutersward’s exploration of German landscapes ranging from the North Sea and Baltic coast to the Bavarian Alps, springs only from the past years. Forming a stark contrast at first when solely considering subject matter, it is Reutersward’s unique eye for composition and atmospheric palette that allows both series to enter into an harmonious dialogue. Both bodies of work aim to capture a sense of mystery that simmers underneath the illusion of perfect form and beauty. In this opposition, the flawless shape of the female body is mirrored in a landscape that seems to mark the ideal symbiosis of natural elements such as falling water and rock formations.


Blaise Reutersward s-a nascut si traieste la Stockholm, din 1961.


CAMERA WORK / Kantstrasse 149 / 10623

Expozitia e deschisa intre 24 august – 12 octombrie 2013