Sunt mii, daca nu zeci de mii de fotografi in Romania! Sunt sute de mii de pasionati de fotografie in Romania, care au impresia ca „fac” fotografii bune! Sunt cativa fotografi profesionisti in Romania care, foarte siguri pe ei – se considera aproape minunati! E un singur fotograf in Romania care tipareste si vinde carti, cu motive majoritar romanesti, si din care traieste regeste! Mai exista alti cativa fotografi care isi materializeaza excursiile estetice in albume, spre deliciul publicului cititor.
Oare cati dintre toti fotografii de mai sus se gandesc sa tipareasca o carte? Oare cati stiu ca o imagine vizualizata pe computer se numeste fisier digital, nu fotografie?! Oare cati dintre voi au impresia ca valoarea imaginii – din punct de vedere tehnic si estetic – poate fi observata si pe monitor, indiferent de setari, de calibrare, de spectrul de culoare? Multi aveti aceasta impresie, nu-i asa?
Oare cati fotografi din Romania, profesionisti sau amatori – si-ar dori o carte, a lor, care sa fie prezenta pe rafturi la Carturesti, sau Humanitas, sau Bastilia…?
Viena va cheama sa va satisfaca o parte din viziune, daca o aveti, desigur. Viena va cheama la Photo Book Festival sa va arate ce se intampla in domeniul publicatiilor foto, cu accent pe noutatile editoriale.
Pana la Viena merge trenul, va recomand cuseta. Viena insasi merita o vizita!
Stiu ca nu majoritatea din Romania nu isi doresc – conform statisticilor oficiale – nici macar sa citeasca o carte pe an, dar mi-te sa creeze una! Dar poate va biciuti orgoliul, daca aveti talent, si va propuneti anul acesta sa scoateti o carte care sa va reprezinte: stilul fotografic, personalitatea, viziunea.
Ce ziceti?
Sunt curios: oare cati dintre voi veti accesa macar pagina Festivalului, ca de mers…
Aici programul:
Thursday, June 12, 2014
19.00 Exhibition opening RADAR – Expedition Moskau
Students from Moscow Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia
Curated by Anastasia Khoroshilova, Lecturer for “Project Photography” at Moscow Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia
photographers and co-curators: Elena Anosova, Alla Afonina / Vera Laponkina, Vera barkalova, Kasimova Elena, Dmitry Lookianov, Natalia Maximova, Ivan Orlov, Lilia Limiyan, Vitalij Laschenov, Olga Matveeva, Albina Shaymuratova, Daria Kalugina, Julia Abzhaltdinova
19.00 Exhibition opening FROM THE BOOKS
Photography in form of books is gaining more importance within the exhibition rooms. FROM THE BOOKS presents a special collection of photobooks and the most interesting pictures found in those.
The exhibition shows highlights from Drive Style by Horst Friedrichs, Side Effects by Kacper Kowalski, Just the Two of Us by Klaus Pichler, The Unseen Seen by Reiner Riedler, Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova, The City of Brides by Alena Zhandarova, City Lives by Arabella Schwarzkopf, Pecorino by Toni Anzenberger and many more…
Saturday, June 14, 2014
12 am Horacio Fernandez about the „Spanish Photo Book wonder“
2.30 pm Katarzyna Majak about the history of the Polish Photo Book
3.30 pm Irene Attinger about „Love in Photo Books“
4.30 pm Magnum legend Josef Koudelka in dialogue with Gerry Badger
6 pm Ceremony of the first ViennaPhotoBookAward and presentation of the winner book of the 1. ViennaPhotoBookReview, followed by a discussion of the jurors
7.30 pm Party – Drinks & Food & Music
Sunday, June 15, 2014
11 am Rob Hornstra about his long-term, documentary photo work “The Sotchi- Project“
12 am Manfred Heiting interviewed by Fabian Knierim (Kurator Fotomuseum WestLicht) about his extensive photo book collection
2 pm Irina Chmyreva about the Russian Photo Book
3 pm „Private Photography in Photo Books“, Erik Kessels about his publication „Album Beauty“
DJ- Line-up
Saturday, June 14, 2014
3-6 pm Andreas Duscha und Jo Eisert
6-8 pm VITAMIN Z
8-10 pm Irieology
10– midnight Daniel S.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
11 am–2 pm G.S. Leitgeb
2–6 pm
1/2, Austria / France / Germany / The Netherlands – Rare Photobooks / Germany
aaluägä – Young Swiss Books (students of Vevey School of Photography) / Switzerland
ABC (Artists’ Books Cooperative) / International
Abeceda Antiquariat / Germany
Agnes Prammer / Austria
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Klasse Prof. Guttmann / Austria
André Frère Editions / France
anika handelt Consulting / Austria
Antiquariat für Fotobücher Hermann Lohss / Germany
AnzenbergerGallery bookshop / Austria
Archive of Modern Conflict / United Kingdom
b.frank books / Switzerland
Benteli Verlag / Switzerland
Blister Zine / Italy
Buchhandlung Lia Wolf / Austria
Buchhandlung Walther König / Germany
Café Lehmitz Photobooks / Germany
Camera Austria / Austria
Danilo Montanari Editore / Italy
Der Greif / Germany
Dirk K. Bakker Boeken / The Netherlands
Dr. Gerhard Rihl / Austria
Drittel Books / Germany
dienacht – Magazine for Photography, Design and Subculture / Germany
Editrice Quinlan / Italy
EIKON / Austria
Einer Books / Norway
Ellen Korth / The Neatherlands
Faur Zsofi Gallery / Hungary
Fotogalerie Wien / Austria
Fotograf Magazine / Czech Republic
FOTOHOF edition / Austria
fotoK – Verein für Fotografie und Kunst / Austria
Galerie Lukas Feichtner / Austria
Geirmundur Klein / The Netherlands
Graphische Höhere Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt / Austria
Hatje Cantz / Germany
Hisa fotografije / Slovenia
Kasia Klimpel / The Neatherlands
Kehrer Verlag / Germany
Kominek Books / Germany
Kulcsár Balázs / Hungary
Kulturama photo school / Sweden
Le plac’art photo / France
Lithuanian Photographers Association / Lithuania
Marco van Duyvendijk / Netherlands
Maria L. Felixmüller / Austria / Germany
million books (Gerald von Foris, Andreas Frei und Jens Masmann) / Germany
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest / Hungary
Nessim Gallery / Hungary
Only-Photography / Germany
OstLicht. Galerie für Fotografie / Austria
Peperoni Books , 25 books / Germany
Phaidon / United Kingdom
Photon Association Gallery / Slovenia
Photoport / Slovakia
Prestel Verlag / Germany
RIOT BOOKS / Spain / Azerbaijan
Rodchenko School for Photography and Multimedia Moscow / Russia
Rorhof / Italy
Scheidegger & Spiess / Switzerland
Schlebrügge.Editor / Austria
Schule Friedl Kubelka für künstlerische Photographie / Austria
Spector Books / Germany
s.t. foto libreria galleria / Italy
Stephanian / France
Streulicht Magazin / Austria
Studio of Young Photographers Hungary / Hungary
Susanna Hofer – Aleksandar Todorovic / Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Angry Bat / Slovenia
Ukrainian Photographic Alternative (UPHA) / Ukraine
Universität für angewandte Kunst, Klasse Fotografie, Univ.Prof. Gabriele Rothemann / Austria
Universität für Gestaltung Linz, Fotografie, Univ.Doz. Johannes Wegerbauer / Austria
Verlag für Moderne Kunst / Germany
WestLicht Bookshop / Austria
White Press / Germany
Wissenschaftliches Kabinett / Austria
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