PHOTO CENTER New York te invita sa va inscrieti fotografiile la Equivalents: 17TH ANNUAL PHOTO COMPETITION EXHIBITION si poti sa-ti vezi imaginea expusa la New York. Nu exista o tema impusa iar deadline-ul este 18 mai.
Ce fotografie se cauta? Celebrul fotograf, curator si profesor, si cel care jurizeaza competitia, W. M. Hunt ne spune: „For this competition I intend to be tingling after hungrily sorting through the hundreds of images of backyards, trees, kids playing, naked girl or boy friends on beds, aging parents or monochromatic panels of pure color, distorting emulsion on glass, or repurposing or disruptive interruptions of the surface with scissors and glue or Photoshop, nonsensical or well intended, and so on, urged on by the hope and promise of those beauties that I haven’t seen before, simultaneously new yet strangely familiar. Shake me and stir me.
And that ‘s why this is the equivalent of fun.”
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