Un portofoliu cuprinzand 65 de printuri ale unor fotografi Magnum celebri printre care Henri Cartier-Bresson, Werner Bischof, Robert Capa, Elliott Erwitt, Steve McCurry, Erich Hartmann, va fi scos la licitatie de Sotheby’s pe 16 noiembrie la Paris.
Selectia printurilor a fost realizata de Abbas, presedinte Magnum Endowment Fund si Simone Klein, Head of European Photography Sotheby’s, urmarind o tematica surprinzatoare pentru Magnum – Nudul, anunta site-ul agentiei.
„Sixty-five photographers and 65 nudes… all celebrating the 65th anniversary of Magnum Photos! I think our four founders – Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, David ‘Chim’ Seymour and George Rodger – would have approved! I can sense their spiritual blessing for this auction at Sotheby’s, as it will help Magnum take a new step forward with the launch of La Fondation Magnum.” – Abbas on http://www.magnumphotos.co

USA. California. Los Angeles. US actress Marilyn MONROE, studio sessions. 1960 © Eve Arnold/Magnum Photos
„The result is a unique portfolio of supreme quality, bringing together magnificent images – some never published – exploring this enthralling subject in all its diversity, in styles both traditional and innovative, and in both colour and black-and-white, charting over half a century of artistic creation by Magnum’s top photographers.” – Simone Klein, Head of European Photography at Sotheby’s.

USA. Attica, New York. 1972. Attica Correctional Facility
© Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography icp
Portofoliul urmeaza sa fie scos la licitatie cu scopul de a strange fonduri pentru Fundatia Magnum. Misiunea acesteia este sa protejeze arhivele si drepturile de autor ale fotografilor care si-au incredintat opera fundatiei, sa-i promovezi prin carti si expozitii si sa asigura accesibilitatea istoricilor si cercetatorilor la aceasta mostenire vizuala.
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Cultura, vizuala in special, cunostinte de istoria artei, de compozitie si estetica .