Samsung a cochetat cu sistemul fotografic Mirrorless, intentia sa era sa devina o replica mai ieftina a aparatelor Sony! Acum cativa ani, cand Sony a introdus pe piata revolutionarul sistem Mirrorless NEX cu senzorul APS-C, Samsung a stat putin pe ganduri, cam 2 ani, iar ulterior a aparut cu un sistem propriu denumit Samsung NX.
Auditiv intre NEX si NX nu era mare diferenta, probabil s-a dorit inducerea in eroare cu buna stiinta, insa tehnica Samsung era departe de a fi la nivelul celor de la Sony. Si totusi, Samsung a insistat, a scos chiar o gama buna de obiective, dar in fiecare an Sony era cu 2 ani inaintea lui Samsung! De o vreme nu am mai auzit nimic despre Samsung NX, dar la Academia de fotografie am testat cel mai mic Mirrorless din lume, Samsung Mini, care ne-a placut!
Aici un review despre Samsung Mini:
Azi-noapte am citit ca Samsung renunta la seria NX. Probabil si-au dat seama ca nu au sanse sa egaleze niciun brand, precum Canon, Nikon, Olympus sau Sony.
Dar nu-i plangem de mila, deoarece Samsung e popular in domeniul telefoanelor mobile, a tabletelor si a televizoarelor. Portofoliul Samsung detine si Notebook-uri competitive, iar mai nou am citit ca „au scos” un hard extern de 16 TB memorie Flash!
Redau mai jos lectura mea de noapte, poate-i doar un „rumor”…
Very bad news: Samsung will really kill the NX camera system!
The reliable Korean newspaper Asiae reports that Samsung will completely shut down the entire digital camera business. Developers personnel were moved to the smart phone or medical division. Samsung also stopped all marketing campaigns and the site (no updates since months).
At least for 2016 there will be no camera development of any kind. Maybe in 2017 or later Samsung could return with a new business plan. But for now I am now pretty certain Samsung is done with the NX system.
That is a very bad day. Samsung was the with Canon and Panasonic one of the few companies that like Sony can make everything in-house (sensor processor and so on). And their NX500 sensor even is the best at the APS-C DxOmark sensor ranking.
UPDATE: Also the Spanish magazine Quesabesde got the same “rumor”. Spanish and Portuguese stores report that Samsung camera contacts completely disappeared. And at least in Portugal Samsung itself confirmed they will not sell any NX camera anymore.
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